I. Accidental Death & Disablement (Principal Sum)
. Pay 100% of the sum insured due to accidental death or permanent total disability.
II. Accidental Medical Reimbursement
. Pays for the actual & related expenses in the treatment of Injuries or hospital expenses, doctor’s fees, surgical fees or hiring of a graduate nurse.
III. Accident Weekly Indemnity
i. Total Disability: Pays for the weekly benefit up to maximum of 52 weeks that the insured is fully unable to attend to usual employment or occupation.
ii. Temporary Partial Disability: Pays for the weekly benefit up to maximum of 26 weeks that the insured is unable to attend to a definite part of his duties or occupation.
IV. Daily Hospital Income
– Pays the fixed amount of benefit for every day that you are confined up to maximum of 90 days for treatment of illness or injuries. Pre-existing Conditions are covered after 2 months of continuous coverage.
V. Surgical fee
– Pays the necessary surgical operation expenses due to injuries or disease, According to the percentage stated in the surgical fee schedule.
VI. Cash Assistance
– Pays the amount selected in addition to all benefits payable under the plan in the event of death due to accident or sickness.
The daily Hospital, Surgical Fee and Cash Assistance Benefits shall not cover And no payment shall be made with respect to death due to:
a. Murder and unprovoked assault;
b. Pre-existing conditions which are permanently excluded such as cancer, hyperthyroidism/goiter, epilepsy, asthma, cirrhosis of the liver, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension & cardiovascular disorder.
Self-inflicted injuries, war, suicide, riot, civil commotion, hazardous Sports. (Refer to the policy for complete list of exclusions)
Covers death or disablement caused by murder or unprovoked assault up to 100% of principal sum, maximum of P1,000,000.00
Renewal Bonus
On each anniversary date, the renewal of policy carries with it an additional bonus of 10% of the principal sum for no extra charge. The additional bonus is included in each succeeding renewal until the benefit represents 150% of the original sum and continues as long as the policy is in force.
PERSONS ELIGIBLE Ages from 2 to 65 years old per occupational class below:
A. Professional or administrative. Primarily sedentary & normally involved with little or no manual labor.
B. Little or manual labor, but may include travelling, inspecting or surveying.
C. Supervision of manual work or occasional light manual labor.
D. Light manual labor.